Spotlight on Online Learning - ICEF MONITOR
Online learning. The phrase is on everyone’s lips these days, and we are all becoming more familiar with some of the allied terms like distance learning, remote learning, and virtual learning as well.
That variety of terminology reflects, in part, the many different approaches to teaching and learning online. In the midst of the pandemic, all learning has necessarily and quickly moved to our laptops and mobile devices. But not all students or instructors or institutions have been ready for the shift. Programmes and strategies are changing quickly in response and we will see a much greater focus on quality and student experience in the second half of this year.
With that in mind, we are pleased to present the following articles from our archives, most of which were first published on ICEF Monitor over the last month. The focus here is on lessons learned to date, and on how recruiters and – especially – students view online programmes.
As always, we also encourage you to explore our website to catch up on the latest news, research, and market intelligence from around the world.
Many English Language Teaching schools shifted to online delivery earlier this year when the pandemic forced the suspension of in-person instruction. Many have also been exploring opportunities to innovate or distinguish their online programmes in what has quickly become a very competitive field.
The future of education is online, at least for now
Many schools and universities will rely heavily on online delivery for much of 2020 but students’ expectations for instructional quality and a better technical experience online will rise throughout the year. Listening carefully to what students want regarding online learning is crucial right now.
With 9 in 10 students affected by COVID-19 closures, how is the shift to online going so far?
The vast majority of the world’s students have been affected by campus and school closures. Some are transitioning well to online learning, while other institutions and students are having more difficulty.
COVID-19: Social media engagement is up and so is interest in learning online
A strong online learning offer is a key strategy for keeping deferring students engaged this year. At the same time, smart and caring social media strategies are also critical for reinforcing student intent and engagement.
Universities and colleges are forming contingency plans for a number of scenarios for the coming academic year. These range from a return to campus in September to a continuation of online delivery through to January and everything in between, including blending programmes and more selective campus openings.
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