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Webinar sobre educação e inovação com o apresentador Marcelo Tas (29/05/2020)

Published: Thursday, 21 May 2020 15:40

Participe do webinar Inovação na educação” Webinar gratuito em 29 de maio às 15h00 Horário da Finlândia

 A série de webinars agora transmitirá uma mesa redonda ao vivo com palestrantes do campo da educação e inovação em todo o mundo. O objetivo é dialogar sobre a inovação na educação e levantar os desafios e necessidades do setor educacional em diferentes cenários.

Marjo Joshi, professora sênior da universidade  de  Turku de Ciências Aplicadas da Finlândia ( TUAS) e especialista on-line será a  mediadora, desafiará os participantes a iniciar uma discussão significativa sobre o tema.

Minna Scheinin como Chefe do Projeto Futuro de Aprendizagem e representante da TUAS, interagirá com outros dois palestrantes, Marcelo TAS e Adam Jagiełło-Rusiłowski.

Marcelo TAS é um apresentador de TV, ator, produtor, escritor e jornalista brasileiro que se concentra no desenvolvimento de novas formas de contar histórias que misturam conteúdo educacional com humor em diferentes mídias, como plataformas de televisão e ensino a distância.

Adam Jagiełło-Rusiłowski, PhD, é um educador e inovador social da Universidade de Gdansk-Polônia. Ele refletirá sobre o tema com base em sua ampla experiência em educação.


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About the Participants.


Marcelo Tas is a Brazilian TV host, actor, producer, writer, and journalist. His work focuses on developing new forms of storytelling that mix educational content with humor in different media such as television, distance learning platforms and museums like “Museu do Amanhã” (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and  Museu da Língua Portuguesa” (São Paulo, Brazil).

Currently, he is the anchor of “#Provocações” and columnist at “Jornal da Cultura”, both on TV Cultura, a public TV channel in Brazil. 

He is also columnist for “CBN”, national news radio and member of Teachers Council at IBMEC, a business school in Brazil, moreover Tas is the creator and presenter of the YouTube channel #DESCOMPLICADO and lecturer about the virtues, opportunities, and side effects of the digital age. He has been awarded several awards in Brazil and abroad, including the Fulbright Commission grant, when he was a resident artist at NYU- New York University, in the United States.


Youtube Channels.


Ph.D Adam Jagiełło-Rusiłowski, is an educator and social innovator. He studied English at University of Gdansk, Community Leadership at Picker Centre for Executive Education at Columbia University (USA) Social Business at INSEAD (FRANCE) and Innovation Pedagogy at TUAS (Finland). 

He trained theatre artists as changemakers working for excluded communities in Gaza, West Bank (Palestinian Autonomy) and Roma ghettos in the Balkans in using drama and creativity techniques. He led 3 EU funded projects on drama in inclusive education as the Manager in Poland: DICE – Drama Improves Lisbon Competences in Education and ARTPAD – Achieving Resilience through Play and Drama and JIMAC – Join in &Make a Change. 

He served as the Dean of International Affairs at Faculty of Social Sciences and Head of International Office, University of Gdansk.


Minna Scheinin, Lic. Phil., MAODE work as the Head Future Learning Design at Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS), Finland. Her unit is  responsible for developing education in a comprehensive way. The focus of development work is innovation pedagogy and e-learning. Her  unit is also responsible for internationalization strategy work and enabling year-round studies.

Her  background is language and communications teaching and formerly worked as the Head of the Language Centre at TUAS. Currently, her special interests are digital learning environments, good practices in e-learning and multimodality in learning design. She is  also interested in the new teacher roles. 

In curriculum work she is  currently interested in innovation pedagogy and how we prepare the students for the skills they will need in future work. How do we recognize the skills and how do we change our teaching methods in order to support the learning of the future skills?


Marjo Joshi , MA, specializes in online education and, as part of Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS) Future Learning Design Team, she develops online education at institutional level. Currently she manages the pedagogical development and operations of International Business Online BBA Programme at TUAS and coordinates online degree programme development at national level.
She trains teachers in online teaching skills and online course design. She has worked as a Senior Lecturer at TUAS since 2005, with extensive teaching and project experience at local, national and international level.



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